UC San Diego awards Chancellor's Scholarships to entering first-year students on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. Chancellor's Scholars receive an honorarium of up to $5,000 per year in each of their 4 undergraduate years (up to $20,000 total), plus special privileges as outlined below.
Eligibility Requirements
- Entering first-year
- California resident
- United States citizens, permanent residents, or California Dream Act students
- Demonstrated academic excellence (strength and breadth of your high school academic program, grades and other academic criteria)
- Grant awards are based on financial need.
- Other factors, including:
- Your personal statement on your UC application
- Extracurricular and community activities
- First-generation college attendance
- Educational environment and economic background
How to Apply
- File your UC Application for Admission and Scholarships by the Nov. 30 deadline.
- To demonstrate financial need to determine if you are eligible for a Chancellor's Scholarship award, then file your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by April 2, OR the California Dream Act application (if you are AB540 eligible and not eligible to file a FAFSA). File only one of these applications.
- You don't need to file any other paperwork.
- UC San Diego notifies recipients of Chancellor's Scholarships in March, along with the admission notice.
Up to $5,000 per academic year for 4 years (up to $20,000 total).
Your FAFSA or California Dream Act application establishes your financial need.
Chancellor's Scholarship Benefits
Priority enrollment appointments
Priority begins the first Winter Quarter and continues for future undergraduate enrollment. The first Fall quarter enrollment occurs during the normal first-year enrollment period between August – September.
- View your enrollment appointment time each upcoming quarter by checking the announcements on the TritonLink home page.
- UC San Diego announces enrollment appointment dates and times for the next quarter on Monday of Week 5 of the current quarter.
- If you don't receive an enrollment time on the first day of priority enrollment, contact the Scholarship Office, (858) 534-1067.
Study abroad program
The Study Abroad Office provides an assigned advisor who personally guides Chancellor's Scholars toward optimal study-abroad options.
- Your advisor helps ensure you're eligible and have choices among the best study-abroad options offered by UC San Diego.
- Your advisor provides information about financial aid and scholarships for study-abroad programs.
- Visit the Study Abroad Office to learn more.
- Questions? Contact Study Abroad Director Kim Burton, (858) 534-1123.
Chancellor's Scholars Program
As a Chancellor's Scholar, you will be expected to participate in a leadership development program that includes faculty and peer mentoring, developing leadership and professional skills, and social and community service activities with other Scholars.
Faculty Mentor Program
As upper-division students, Chancellor's Scholars have an opportunity to become better prepared for graduate and professional school through the Faculty Mentor Program. The program offers valuable research experience, assistance with a research proposal and paper, and graduate school and fellowship information.
- You will work as a research assistant for UC San Diego faculty members at least 10 hours per week during Winter and Spring Quarters.
- A faculty mentor assigns and supervises your research projects, which align with your research interests.
- Read more about the Faculty Mentor Program, or call (858) 534-1774.