This section gives you an overview of UC San Diego for prospective and current students. This includes tools, resources, and requirements as a UC San Diego financial aid recipient.For information regarding the School of Medicine please visit UC San Diego School of Medicine ( For all other students, please refer to the information in this section.
General Information about UC San Diego
Acceptance of Transfer Credit
UC San Diego Undergraduate Admissions determines the transferability of course work taken at other institutions for both newly admitted transfer students and for current UC San Diego students who attend other institutions concurrently or during summer quarter. More information is available from Undergraduate Admissions.
Accreditation Information
The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is accredited by WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), the regional accrediting agency serving higher education institutions in California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Region. The U.S. Department of Education recognizes WSCUC accreditation as certifying institutional eligibility for federal funding across a range of programs, including student access to federal financial aid.
Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements are formal agreements between two campuses. These agreements define how courses taken at one college or university campus can be used to satisfy a subject matter requirement at another college or university campus. A list of these are available from ASSIST. For additional information please visit How to Transfer Courses (Undergraduates) (
For questions regarding Special Programs (Consortium or Contractual programs) please visit the Registrar's website.
Students interested in reviewing WASC accreditation documents may do so at the UC San Diego accreditation website. Those interested in reviewing profession-specific accreditation documents should contact the relevant College’s Dean’s Office and for public comment or complaint visit the WSCUC site.
Borrowing Loans & Cohort Default Rate
In addition, the current UC San Diego percentage of students who borrow loans and Cohort Default Rate (CDR) is available with the U.S. Department of Education via the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) at the College Navigator. For more information on CDRs, including the national average, visit the Federal Student Aid Department website.
Complaint Process
The University of California takes very seriously complaints and concerns regarding the UC San Diego policy. If your complaint regarding the University of California has not been resolved at the campus level, you may present your complaint as outlined in the UC Complaint Process Notice. For State level inquiries please visit the California Department of Education’s website.
Constitution Day
Every September 17, the United States pauses to commemorate the drafting of its Constitution. For more information, see
Copyright Infringement Policies
Information about the university's policies related to the use of copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer file sharing, is available at University of California Copyright Education.
Cost of Attendance at UC San Diego
For actual tuition and fee charges, TritonLink’s Registration Fee page.
For estimated tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, and personal/miscellaneous expenses, contact your respective Financial Aid and Scholarships Office. You can visit here to link to Undergraduate and Graduate cost of attendance for the current academic year.
Descriptions of Academic Programs
Information on the university's academic programs, degree offerings, and plans for future programs is available from the various academic units and admission offices. Undergraduate students should refer to Undergraduate Admissions for information on the various academic programs and units and the Division of Undergraduate Education for program assessments and available plans. The Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs provides information about graduate programs, and the review process for future plans for existing programs.
Information on the university's faculty and instructional personnel is available from the various academic units, see UC San Diego links to the various academic units. See Graduate Division for information visit the ET- Engaged Teaching site.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) & Privacy
The University of California campuses maintain various types of records pertaining to students; some are maintained for academic purposes; others, such as hospital and employment records, are maintained for other specific purposes. Student records—that is, those pertaining to students in their capacity as students—include but are not limited to academic evaluations, transcripts, test scores and other academic records, general counseling and advising records, disciplinary records, and financial aid records.
For information on UC San Diego policy regarding privacy and student records, see Official Privacy Notifications.
Facilities & Services for Disabled Students
The Disability Resources site provides information on facilities and services for disabled students.
Instructional Facilities & Labs
Information on the university's instructional and research facilities is available in the UC San Diego General Catalog. Also, see the University Library for information about library resources at the university.
Refund Policy
The university has a tuition refund policy stipulating the amount of tuition and fees refunded to a student withdrawing from all classes during a term. This refund policy is published by the Office of the University Registrar.
The refund policy for general summer sessions is published by the Summer Session’s website.
Repayment Policy (Return of Title IV Financial Aid)
Federal law requires federal aid recipients to "earn" the aid they receive. Students who withdraw prior to completing 60% of the term for which they received federal student aid may be required to return some of the aid they were awarded. See Return of Title IV Funds policy or contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office for details.
Student Body Diversity
The UC San Diego website provides information about the diversity of the university student body.
Textbook & Supplemental Materials
As a starting point students can access information regarding purchase of required textbooks here: Where to Find Textbooks ( You may use your Student ID card to purchase books to your student account at the bookstore prior to financial aid disbursement for the term.
Voter Registration
Voting is one of the most important rights and responsibilities of U.S. Citizens. Information on voter registration is available at California Voter Registration and Election Information (
Withdrawal Procedures
Instructions for students to withdraw from the university are maintained by the Registrar’s office.
Student Financial Assistance
For Health Sciences students: please contact your respective Financial Aid Office.
All other students, information is available on the following web pages:
Please note: Per federal regulations students should notify Financial Aid and Scholarships as financial aid eligibility may be be affected, if one of the following apply:
- Living on a military base receiving a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
- Currently, or become incarcerated
Additional Information for Continuing Students
Criteria for maintaining continued student eligibility:
Financial Aid Disbursement Information:
Financial Aid Loan Information:
Undergraduate Net Price Calculator
Loan Entrance & Exit Counseling Requirement
Students must complete on-line entrance counseling before receiving a Federal Direct Loan. Federal Direct Loan borrowers must complete exit counseling after ceasing enrollment or dropped below half-time enrollment (6 or fewer units). Details on Direct Loan entrance counseling are available at Student Loan Entrance Counseling and for exit counseling at Student Loan Exit Counseling.
Study Abroad
If you participate in a study abroad program that is approved for credit by the university, your enrollment may be considered enrollment at UC San Diego for the purpose of applying for assistance under the Federal Student Aid programs. For information on study abroad, see Study Abroad Center.
Student Loan Code of Conduct
The university adheres to the University of California Code of Conduct in Regard to Preferred Lender Arrangements.
Terms/Conditions of Employment Provided as Financial Aid (Work-Study)
Visit our Student Job Resources for additional information about on-campus employment.
Tax Credit & Benefits
Depending on your eligibility you may be able to claim educational tax credits:
- The campus will send you a 1098-T form which includes expenses paid to UC in “qualified expenses” (mainly required tuition and fees) and also how much gift aid students received in the past year. If you need an additional copy or wish to view your 1098-T information, students can go online at or call Tax Credit Relief Service (TCRS) at 1-877-467-3821. For additional information regarding the 1098-T please contact the Student Financial Solutions at
- Learn about Tax Benefits for Education through the IRS.
Health and Safety
Accommodations for Disabilities
Upon request, this publication will be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities. Contact the UC San Diego Office for Students with Disabilities. The campus and all buildings are wheelchair accessible.
Campus Safety & Security
Pursuant to 20 U.S.C. Section 1092 (f), the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act" ("Clery Act"), the Violence Against Women Act, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and the Higher Education Opportunity Act, UC San Diego distributes the annual campus safety and fire safety reports.
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention
The university has developed alcohol and drug education programs. For more information please visit Student Health.
Fire Safety & Campus Safety Reports
The UC San Diego Police Department provides the annual fire safety report and the annual campus safety report.
Vaccination Policy
For the UC San Diego policy and information about immunizations for new students, see Student Health and Counseling Services.
Student Outcomes
Athletic Program Participation & Financial Support
As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by request to students and the general public. For more information and to view the annual EADA survey please visit the UC San Diego Athletic Department.
Graduation & Retention Rates
Prospective students are entitled to receive the graduation information reported to the U.S. Department of Education via the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) at the College Navigator. For additional information we recommend reviewing the UC report addressing Institutional Research, Academic planning and the value of a UC Degree.
In addition, UC San Diego’s Institutional Research completes periodic surveys, including collecting information on the types of graduate and professional education for our graduates.
Graduation & Retention Rates for Student Athletes
These rates must be provided to student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically related student aid offer is made. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) provides this information directly to high schools and the NCAA. For information, contact the UC San Diego Athletic Department.
Teaching Credential Passage Rates
To review the teaching credential passage rates for UC San Diego see