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Study Abroad & Exchange Programs

Studying Abroad provides students with a great opportunity to immerse themselves in different languages and cultures while progressing towards a degree.

Financial aid is available for most study abroad and exchange programs, during both the summer and the regular academic year for those that qualify. The Study Abroad Office at UC San Diego provides a wide variety of programs to choose from. Below you can find more information about each program, how financial aid works, and frequently asked questions.

Financial Aid for Study Abroad Info Session - Fall 2024 (PDF)

For a quick guide on how financial aid works for each program, please see our Financial Aid for Study Abroad Handout (PDF)

To compare Study Abroad programs, please see the Detailed Study Abroad Program Comparison Chart (PDF).

To speak with a Financial Aid Study Abroad Counselor, please see the Weekly Drop-in Advising Handout (PDF).

Contact Us

For study abroad financial aid questions, please submit your question through the following link:

UC San Diego Students: UC San Diego Services & Support Portal

Non-UC San Diego Contacts: Financial Aid Case Support for Non-UC San Diego contacts

On the ticket form, select Ask a Question or Make a Request > Financial Aid + Scholarships (FAS) > Study Abroad Offers.

Eiffel Tower

Global Seminars

UC San Diego Global Seminars are summer global experiences led by UC San Diego professors. Students enroll in a package of two courses for a total of 8 UC San Diego quarter units. Because it is a UC San Diego program, you receive UC summer aid and pay UC summer tuition & fees.

Global Seminars

UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP)

The Education Abroad Program is a UC program. Because you are a UC student, you receive UC aid and pay UC tuition & fees.

The University-wide UCEAP office determines your cost of attendance while abroad, which will differ from the UC San Diego cost of attendance. UC San Diego’s Financial Aid & Scholarships Office will then adjust your financial need and awards based on the cost of your program abroad.


Students on Dock
Train in tunnel

Global Exchange (GE)

UC San Diego Global Exchange programs are reciprocal academic year study abroad opportunities between UC San Diego and partner universities. Since Global Exchange is exclusively for UC San Diego students, students receive UC aid and pay UC tuition & fees.

Global Exchange

Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP)

Opportunities Abroad Programs are non-UC programs. These programs are administered by non-UC study abroad providers that are affiliated with UC San Diego. Students in OAP earn transfer credit and courses may be applied towards UC San Diego major, minor, and/or GE requirements. Because it is a non-UC program, you receive only Federal & State aid (NO UC-AID), and pay tuition & fees set by your host institution or program.

Opportunities Abroad Program

Kayak in residential canal

Other Programs

Information about: Exchange Programs with Spelman/ Morehouse Colleges, Academic Internship Program (AIP), UC San Diego Study-Internship Program, and the Intercampus Visitor Program

Other Programs