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Financial Aid for Global Seminars Students


UC San Diego Global Seminars are summer global experiences led by UC San Diego professors. Students enroll in a package of two courses for a total of 8 UC San Diego quarter units. Because it is a UC San Diego program, you receive UC summer aid and pay UC summer tuition & fees.

The UC San Diego Study Abroad office determines your cost of attendance while abroad, which will differ from the UC San Diego cost of attendance. UC San Diego’s Financial Aid & Scholarships office will then adjust your financial need and awards based on the cost of your program abroad.

Global Seminars Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

     Global Seminars Video Slides (PDF)

Availability of Aid

Your financial aid eligibility will cover the total costs of your program. Your Global Seminar program budget consists of the following (3 buckets):

  • Bucket #1: UC Summer Tuition & Fees
  • Bucket #2: Program Fee (Housing, Classroom rental, Excursions, On-site staff, Administration fees & Insurance)
  • Bucket #3: Outside Costs (Roundtrip airfare, Food, Passport, Visa fees & Books/Supplies)

*NOTE: Personal entertainment expenses and leisure travel are not included.

Global Seminar students are awarded based on their program budget. Our office will award financial aid based on financial need and your program cost of attendance.

Summer Programs

  • Financial aid for summer Global Seminars is limited to residual Pell Grant, unused Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans from the academic year, or additional Direct Parent PLUS / Private Loans. Students with financial need who filed the FAFSA or CADAA on time and are enrolled in at least 6 units for summer may be eligible for a UC San Diego Supplemental Summer Grant (subject to annual review of available funding).

Be sure to apply and/or accept your loans as early as possible to avoid delays and ensure maximum financial aid eligibility.

For more information about Summer Financial Aid and important deadlines, please visit our Summer Financial Aid Page.

Scholarship Information

Global Seminar students are eligible for a variety of scholarships for their program abroad. These include:

If awarded a scholarship, the UC San Diego Financial Aid & Scholarships Office will adjust your aid accordingly.

For more information on what scholarships are available, please visit the UC San Diego Global Seminars Scholarships Webpage.

Recieving Financial Aid

Global Seminar students apply for Financial Aid in the same way as any other UC San Diego undergraduate student. Please ensure that you:

  • Submit your FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) by March 3.
  • Submit all documents requested by the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office in a timely manner.

*NOTE: The UC San Diego Financial Aid & Scholarships Office uses your prior academic year FAFSA or CADAA to determine your summer financial aid eligibility.

The UC San Diego Study Abroad office will provide our office with a list of Global Seminar participants. Once the budget for your Global Seminar program has been determined, your award will be adjusted to your program cost, and you will receive a notification of your revised aid offer approximately 2 weeks before the start of your program. Your offer can be viewed via your TritonLink Account and will be applied to your UC San Diego billing account.

Payments & Disbursements

  • If your financial aid is less than the Global Seminar program tuition & fees, you are responsible for the difference.
  • If your financial aid exceeds the Global Seminar tuition & program fees, you will receive a refund. If you are due for a refund, Global Seminar students will receive their disbursements according to the UC San Diego Summer Disbursement Schedule.

Your anticipated disbursement date is near the start of your Global Seminar program.

  • If you participate in only a Global Seminar program that aligns with UC San Diego Summer Session 1 or Summer Session 2, you will receive your financial aid in full.
  • If you participate in a Global Seminar program that is considered a Special Session program and does not align with UC San Diego Summer Session 1 or Summer Session 2, your aid will be split in half between the two sessions.
  • If you take a class in another summer session while enrolled in a Global Seminar program, your aid will be split in half between the two sessions.

To view your balance, please visit your Tritonlink Account.

For information regarding refunds/disbursements, please refer to the UC San Diego Summer Disbursement Webpage and review your TritonLink Account.

If you have any questions regarding your refund/disbursement, please contact UC San Diego Student Financial Solutions.

Refund Information

UC San Diego provides Global Seminar students with refunds via direct deposit or mail. Refunds are issued directly to the student named on the student account in question.

  • Direct Deposit: To enroll in Direct Deposit, use the Direct Deposit tool via TritonLink. For more information on how to enroll in Direct Deposit, please visit the Student Financial Solutions Website. Once processed, direct deposit refunds are transferred and available for use within 2-3 business days.
  • Postal Mail: If you are not enrolled in Direct Deposit. UC San Diego Student Financial Solutions will mail paper checks to the corresponding current or permanent mailing address. Paper check mailing time averages 5-7 business days via standard mailing time.
    *NOTE: If receiving a paper check, please ensure your summer address is up to date.

*All financial aid will apply to your UC San Diego account and pay towards your Tuition and program fees. If your aid exceeds you bill, you will be entitled to a refund.


Financial cost of withdrawing from a Global Seminar

The official deadline to withdraw is MARCH 1.

Global Seminar students enter a legally binding contract and will owe the full program fee of several thousands of dollars if they drop after the deadline. This is a major financial commitment, and you are responsible for paying thousands of dollars of fees if you drop after the deadline, not just the initial $250 fee. Before you apply, please carefully read and understand the policies listed below and in the application. You must accept personal responsibility for following them. Failure to read or understand the policies does not relieve you of this financial obligation.

Student withdrawal pre-departure

If you decide to withdraw from a Global Seminar program after you have signed the Participant Contract, but prior to the beginning of a Global Seminar program, you must complete the Global Seminar Student Withdrawal Form located on the UC San Diego Global Seminars Webpage. For questions on how to fill this form out, please reach out to your Study Abroad Advisor.

If you fail to officially drop the program (because you did not submit the required Global Seminar Student Withdrawal Form), you will be charged all program and course fees. Many programs have waiting lists, and by failing to drop, you may be denying someone else the opportunity to study abroad. There are no refunds for non-attendance.

Student withdrawal post-departure

To withdraw from a program while it is in progress, please visit the Global Seminars Webpage more information, or reach out to your Study Abroad Advisor.

*NOTE: There are no refunds for withdrawals once a program has begun.

For more information regarding Billing Policies, Withdrawal Procedures, Cancellation & Refund Policies, please visit the UC San Diego Study Abroad Global Seminars Webpage.

Changes in Your Financial Aid Offer

Aid offers for Global Seminar students are based off financial aid eligibility and are subject to change. Any change with your aid offer will affect your UC San Diego account balance. You are responsible for paying off any programs fees and retracted financial aid disbursements.

Common reasons for changes in financial aid include (but are not limited to) Global Seminar budget increase/decrease, scholarships, accepted loans, and withdrawals.

GS Contacts

Ask UC San Diego Financial Aid about:

  • Study Abroad Financial Aid questions
  • Your financial aid offer
  • Changes to your financial aid offer
  • Confirmation and acceptance of offer

Contact Us:
For study abroad financial aid questions, please submit your question through the following link:

UC San Diego Students: UC San Diego Services & Support Portal

Non-UC San Diego Contacts: Financial Aid Case Support for Non-UC San Diego contacts

On the ticket form, select Ask a Question or Make a Request > Financial Aid + Scholarships (FAS) > Study Abroad Offers.

Ask UC San Diego Student Financial Solutions about:

  • Billing
  • Disbursements
  • Account Statements

Contact: UC San Diego Student Financial Solutions

Ask your UC San Diego Study Abroad Advisor about:

  • Program Information
  • Program Budgets

Contact: UC San Diego Study Abroad Office